Wednesday, 4 September 2013


PerVita Foundation has throughout its activities touched lives with creative means. For us, as a team we believe that the development of the child can be done in different ways but we are looking at longevity and also bring out the best in the growing Child.

TOURING WITH A PURPOSE is a creative charity trip under the wing of PerVita Foundation. We believe that we can add a touch of creativity to our beautiful sites in the country. Surprisingly enough communities that host lots of the tourist attractions lack basic social amenities. The idea behind TWAP is to visit beautiful sites in Ghana but make sure we leave a mark or make an impact as per our visit.
We have been on a number of such charitable trips and our next stop was at Village of Hope, Gomoah Fetteh, Central Region, Ghana.

Village of Hope is a home which houses about 215 children. There are 9 different homes that house these less privileged kids and give them better shelter, love, care and hope. These children are found on the streets, brought in by good samaritans and some are also referred to the home by Social Welfare.
On the 31st of August, we decided to embark on a life changing journey to the Village of Hope. This journey was purposed to touch the lives of the children in the home, Village of Hope.
Our trip was directed at bringing out the best in these less privileged children. 

The important part of our visit was organized into 4 sessions for the wonderful children of Village of Hope.


This session was dubbed TECHNO-FUN (Technology made Fun). The use of ICT has over the years been a challenge to children living in our part of the world as compared to the other parts of the world. As per our research, the environment we live in currently is technologically rich. But our concerns are being directed to the villages and the less privilege who do not have access to technology. TECHNO-FUN was a session which encouraged the children to be conscious about the world that we live in and how technology will be taking over the world in the next world. They were also treated to some games to ensure that this session was friendly and lively. It was also to encourage these children to move outside their comfort zones and bring out the best in them.


These sessions also brought the skills and arts in these children. The idea of this session is also to equip these children with basic skills in the bead and shirt making industry. Children are very adventurous and are sought to be more creative with skills such as sewing and weaving. Amazingly enough we had children from the home who had such skills and they fit well in this sessions. Our team brought materials that will help make the sessions more fruitful. They made earrings, wrist bands etc with beads and threads. They also created patterns and sewed them in shirts


Children are believed to be living in an imaginary world and this session was to bring out what they imagined and put on paper through creative arts. These children were led by an artiste who helped them to come up with ideas and also to develop their skills in that order.


We rounded up with a soccer match between the PerVita team and the Village of Hope team. As fun as it was, we also picked up some raw talents from this session. It is important to build on talents so that these children can make something out of their God given talents. Village of Hope team won the match on penalties shoot outs.

Apart from these sessions, we donated items such as beans, crates of eggs, clothes, shoes, books and educational materials to support the children in the home.
Special thanks to all our volunteers who took time off their busy schedules to make this event a success. We had a wonderful team who helped in various ways to ensure all session were effective. Our thanks also goes to Horseman Shoes for donating GH 2,000.00 to these less privileged.
We are hopeful to come up with subsequent events to touch lives and make livelihoods better for these less privileged ones.


We observed that these children are very talented and creative even in their state. It is also important for us to organize such regular visits to bring out the best in these children. These children have wonderful gifts and ideas which can be exploited for their own benefits, therefore we would have to come back and do a proper evaluation on talents that were hunted in the home and how best to move them forward.

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